Thursday, September 3, 2009

30 days to changing my life - Day 3: I did what?

For the first time in almost five years (the last time was September 26, 2004), I ran 5K today. You have a better chance of finding a nice Oktoberfest in Puerto Rico than you do seeing me run. Man, I hate running. But I vowed when I set myself this challenge that I would finally do Crossfit as recommended. Normally I substitute rowing for running because running is a miserable thing to do and rowing is very, very fun. Not today. I hit up, plotted out a nice route and hit the road.

The last time I ran this distance was the Living with Lupus 5K in Delaware.

I paid the price. My right calf feels like someone shot it. I'm glad tomorrow is a rest day for Crossfit.

Worked on the bathroom and it looks as nice as it has since I moved in.

Eating is going pretty well. Made a marinade of mint from my herb garden, garlic, lemon juice, crushed red pepper and EVOO, marinated zucchini and chicken in it and had that for dinner. Very nice.

The boowahs and I had an awesome game of Settlers of Catan tonight, one of our most enjoyable ever. Just felt like mentioning it.

All to report for today. Feeling good.


Anonymous said...

Dude - I keep meaning to write as a few things spark my brain (like starting JSF - "Everything is Illuminated" (BTW - did you recommend Bill Bryson?)) but Catan finally got me.

Have you played online?

Mad Guru said...

I've only ever read one Bill Bryson book and it was good (A Walk in the Woods) and it was long enough ago that I doubt it was I who recommended it.