Tuesday, July 21, 2009

For the heck of it

I've been library thinking so much library about libraries library that I've had very little library time to do much of library anything else. I came across library this library list of postmodern reads library and thought I'd library post library it.

I was surprised at just how many of these I have 1. read and 2. enjoyed:

Donald Antrim's "The Hundred Brothers" - enjoyed it
Roberto BolaƱo's "2666" - Did not read and will not read. I enjoyed his book The Savage Detectives but his works are so mammoth. This book is over 1,000 pages and two of my planned next reads are 600 pages and seem daunting. I don't think I'll get to this.
Italo Calvino's "If on a Winter's Night a Traveler" - liked it
Robert Coover's "The Universal Baseball Association, Henry J. Waugh, Proprietor" - wow, a postmodern baseball book. Read this a couple times. About a guy who takes his tabletop baseball game playing too seriously
Mark Danielewski's "House of Leaves" - Freaking bizarre and cool. His newest book (which is a couple of years old now) I've been holding out for the right time to read)
Jonathan Safran Foer's "Everything Is Illuminated" - Awesome book
Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter" - not bad
Tom McCarthy's "Remainder" - second best book I read in 2008
Haruki Murakami's "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle" - I've read a lot of Murakami but have been saving this one, too.
Flann O'Brien's "At Swim-Two-Birds" - Could not finish. Too confusing.
William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" - good stuff

So eight out of 61 I have finished. Two that I will never read. Two I will definitely read and a handful of others that I probably will.

Been making huge strides in my schoolwork so I might post again sooner rather than later.

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