Monday, January 2, 2012

Baseball Book Club First Book Selection - Last Call

You're welcome to join us in reading the book that's selected once we choose but if you want to have a voice in what's read as our first book, speak up now. We could stand to use some more input. I liked Mark's choices, too. Right now we're looking at:

The Catcher Was A Spy: The Mysterious Life of Moe Berg
Satch, Dizzy, & Rapid Robert: The Wild Saga of Interracial Baseball Before Jackie Robinson
The Pitch That Killed
The Soul of Baseball
The Extra 2%

You in?



Ryan Cracknell said...

I'm in! The Catcher Was a Spy is one I've wanted to read for a while. Seems like a good reason, although I'm game for any of them. I've read Soul of Baseball but would be more than happy to again.

dayf said...

Book club, eh... I'd be interested in joining in. I don't have any of those, but the local library has the Moe Berg book available.

Mark Aubrey said...

I'm in and apparently I'm a policy maker. Or shaper. Or changer.

One of the reasons I threw those two titles into the hat is that I happen to own them.

mrhaverkamp said...

I'm in, and pleased that I own the Sowell and Posnanski books (but they're unread). - Jim