Saturday, January 8, 2011

Contest winnings

Matthew at #5 Type Collection had a contest where everyone was to submit three defunct major league teams from which they would like to have baseball cards. he then randomly selected five of us and I was fortunate enough to be chosen.

Desiring Expos, I added the Wilmington Quicksteps and the Louisville Colonels to my list of wanted teams to make sure I only got Expos (I would have been pleasantly suprised to pick up a 19th century card for free, though). Matt sent me fifteen Expos of which this trio I was especially grateful.

I think there is something wrong with a person when they open up a pack of cards, see the top one, and exclaim "ALL RIGHT, BILL ATKINSON!!!".

Thanks a lot, Matthew. I appreciate the cards.

1 comment:

Captain Canuck said...

that '78 Atkinson is one of the very first cards I remember getting as a child. Cool memories. I still have it............ somewhere....