Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Media mix of June 17th

Think I'm going to stick with Kelly's Media Mix.

[Listen] Do you now, or have you ever, listened to new-agey music with sound effects like waves crashing and birds singing? No need to be ashamed.

Oh yeah, back in the late 1980's, I loved it. I wasn't so much into the sound effect stuff as I was the synthesized. Yanni, Kitaro, John Tesh, Synergy, Peter Buffett, Ray Lynch. Those were the ones I liked. Also had some David Arkenstone. I forget now what all I had. If it was on the Narada or Windham Hill label, I probably had it.

[Watch] What is your favorite coming-of-age film?

Tough one. I'm not a big film guy and not a big coming-of-age guy, either. Maybe Rushmore.

[Read] Which writer, living or dead, would you like to hang out with for a day?

Wow. This is a tough one. Michael Chabon immediately comes to mind just because he seems like a neat person and has the Pittsburgh connection. The creator of these questions put down Haruki Murakami which is another good one although there would be communication issues. But if we can bring back dead authors, we can have translators, too. I think, though, if we're talking hanging out for a day and just having fun, mini-golfing or what have you, I'd have to go with Christopher Morley. I think we'd have a lot in common and he was definitely quirky enough to be fun to be around.

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